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Image by Jr Korpa

We are running in the forest. Chaos has broken out all around us. Spells are being lodged. Trolls are descending. Giants are closing in. 


I am trying to avoid being caught in the crossfire while running in tandem with a sprite. Elves, goblins and fairies - the sprites - had answered our call to combat the Dark Ones. Had it not been for the convincing elf behind me, Lumendel, we may have lost more lives than we already have.


“Get down!” shouts Lumendel. She launches her arrow, emblazed by a blue flame, as a troll’s wooden hammer whooshes above me. Lumendel grabs my arm and we set off running once more. We can’t stop. I can’t stop. My fate is intertwined with his, Noctis - the leader of the Dark Ones. A prophecy had woven us together but it was time to unravel it. He is close by. I can feel it.


As Lumendel and I continue running through the horde of battling creatures, witches and wizards, a metal spike comes crashing down between us. We both fall to the ground separated by the giant’s weapon. We hurry to our feet as the giant removes the spike from the earth and looks menacingly at Lumendel.


“Go!” orders Lumendel. “You’re the only one who can stop him.” 


“Lumendel, I can’t…” 


“GO!” she barks again.


I run off and keep running until I reach a clearing.  He is there. 


“Hello, old friend,” Noctis says. “Sadly, our time has come to an end.”


“No, only your time is about to end”, I declare. We both raise our wands to initiate this final battle… my tv screen suddenly goes black. My whole room is shrouded in darkness. I throw down my game controller when I hear my roommate announce from his room, “Power is out!”


Touché, Noctis. Touché. 

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